Wednesday, February 29, 2012

disappointment in mankind

i am so disappointment in mankind . man has turn a blind eye to other and those around them with cell phone that seam to grow out of a person head even more so while they drive. the reason for my disgust is the fact that for a while now i have been with out a car so it has been ruff for me and my kids to get to the store or to doc appoints i have only been able to go once since my car broke down and with my nerve damage i should be seeing the doc more i have ask for ride and such but mostly i stick to asking for ride when i gotta shop or pay bills but like today i need to go to the bank to see if i could get a bank loan to get a car that is a 2 mile walk which just to walk there took me over a hour and half after i left bank i went to the store to get a few items i sat in the store for a few mins trying to gather my strength and let my legs rest and hope to stop the shaking. i walk home it took me nearly two hour to walk that same two mile as before and on my walk home i notices a few thing everyone was either had a cell phone growing out their head or they block their view with hand to their face as if they are afraid of seeing what going on around them and during my walk home i had to sit down on some stranger step to the front of the yard cause i could not walk no more my leg had given out and i just fell to the step. i sat there for at least 15 mins give or take cause i could not move my leg and what amazed me is not one person seam concern about what was happening to me and all i could think is how many time i pulled over no matter what and ask the person if they was alright or need a ride.. yes i know to some of you think i was stupid but how is helping someone who need some help i mean come on what happen to helping other as you what done to you .. all i know is i can not wait to get out of this cesspool of unwilling and selfish people and do not get me wrong i am sure my home state may not be perfect and i am remember it as i have from being a child but one thing i do know about Missouri and Oklahoma is if someone in trouble they stop to help no question ask. that the joy of a small town everyone know everyone but at least they treat you with respect and are always willing to help a person out. But here in Georgia forget about it and this is to be the bible state so called state of Christians.. please i seen the same so called Christians in church on Sunday but when Monday come right back to swearing and drinking or going out to the clubs on Friday and or Saturday.. Please just get over yourself i can not stand it here any more i have no family here and i got even fewer friends i truly can trust and that all on one hand. it make me sick how children treat their parents and how the parents do not discipline their children.. i am mean watch the new a child open fire in a busy school and killed 3 people and 2 are injured.. it break my heart that this child fell thou the cracks cause people do not care to ask their kids what going on with them .. my parents are not perfect but at least for the most part they took a active roll in my life and cause of that i did not do something stupid like the kids of the world do today.. we as parents have failed our children we allow them to watch to much tv and crap for that matter that they have no business watching they no  more about how to kill something on a stupid game system then they do about our past history .. they wearing cloths that do not belong on a 10 or 14 year old i say that they got thong under wear for little girl am like are u fucking kidding me there no way in hell my 14 and 7 year old daughter are wearing thongs i do not care if they are worried about panty line that should not be a issue.. then boys wearing their pants so low u see their so called boxer i am like pull ur pants up i dont wanna see that on a adult let alone a child .. i am a single mom of 15 yrs, 14& 14 yrs, 9 , and 7&7 yrs old the kids that live with me have respect for me as i do for them there is no video game system in this house no tv allowed during the school week heck we have a room that hold all the kids toys called a play room so the only thing in their room is their beds and cloths/dresser. they know as soon as they get home from school homework has to be done and no one can play till everyone is done weekend and no school days (Friday - Sunday day, Sunday night is a school night) and the tv in the play room only allow approved channels like channel 3(PBS) , 16 (which is nick and if the show is over a tv rating it is blocked) then 22 and 23 (which is Disney and Disney xd ) that it nothing else . there is only on computer in the house and it in my room if the kids need to do something on the computer i am right there with them watching what they do and i wont allow them to have a facebook they are to young in opinion .. i do not care what people think about how i raise my children i know they are happy and healthy and are for the most part A and B students.. i truly think more parents need to be like i am and not allow their children to over run them stop letting them stay on the video games and make them get up and do chores around the house and use their imagination to play and i can say that the children will become better student and individuals in the long run and oh for pete sake take the cell phone away no child need a freaking IPhone let the children be children and not freaking minni adult . well i am done ranting for today hope everyone has a great day and to all who read this thanks you for all your support ... 

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