Friday, February 24, 2012

pain is my name

i come be for you today a former shawdow of my self ..

 i am racked with pain so deep my soul is withering ..

i cannot even begain to tell you what i feel for i can not even bring the word to my mouth my mind is

in the state of pain a red glare that all i see ..

i watch my life go by .. i am laying in bed cring my eyes out begging for the sweet bliss of death..

 i can not take no more .

 i am cracking under the pain .

 who am i but pain it self .

the life i use to live is nothing but a distance memory ..

 my brain is nothing but mush pain is all that make it think ..

i am nothing i am a shadow of my former self..

 i can not walk i can not hold my head high ..

 i cant even see .

for what i see is red glare of pain it every where ..

 please death come to me put me out of my misery..

 i hear the raven calling ..

i know death is just around the coner ..

 i welcome you to my room ..

to my bed come lay down with me ..

 steal my breath and let me go to the sweet bliss of a pain free after life ..

let me go to the dream of a life i long to have again ..

 i am not me i have no more the earthly name for my name is pain..

and i welcome you the death of my soul of my life ..

 reeper come lay that death hand on me ..

 i hear the raven calling the drums of my ancestry past beating in the wind ..

 carry me softy in to the dream land ..

 for i am dead already a walking dead ..

shadow of my former self for my name is pain .

 and pain i want to be no more !!!

 (copy writes 11-2011-written by AHSWS_BSAW2011-company2011


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