Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Third part of the series of The Past is the Past for a Reason! Let it stay THERE!

Well I am back yet again it seams that the viewer are getting far and between but it ok I am not doing this for anyone but myself really. Could careless if no one reads these series of advents that has shape and modeled me into who I am.So once yet again this is where again I start off saying if you are faint of heart or unwilling to listen to the truth that Life is not always FAIR! Then I suggest you stop reading this.. I even dare say if you can not handle the knowledge that Shitty thing happen to Innocent people or in this case a Child Do Not Go Any Further also Please if you are under the age of Eighteen maybe even in some cases under Twenty-one step away from this Page. Now that I have said that we can Move on.

   The last place I left off was not in by any means that bad but yet it was not anything like in the first one but bad enough already to a fragile child mind who was already  been thou Hell and back. Well I left off where we are meeting the man who gave my Mother two whole Paycheck worth of money so she could come get my Bother and I for the first time. When we got off that bus in Charleston, South Carolina. There stood a man who was so skinny and had long reddish Auburn hair and Beard. I had never seen a guy with a Beard before it was weird but yet it was soft. My Bother right off the bat started call him Dad me I was a little apprehensive about it but I saw how it made my Mother happy so I went right along with it. Thing seem to be good for a bit. We meet the family for Dad side. It seamed at that time the Granddaddy and Grandma like us and maybe even loved us and we had more cousin to play with. I was the oldest so it was almost like getting to play house. Granddaddy and Grandma had a places in the middle of Hundred acres of woods and was right across the street from Middleton Plantation. It was like stepping back in History. Any ways the family always did advents where they celebrated everyone birthday with a Oyster roast or Easter with a huge roasted hog or Fourth of July with frog races and Fireworks. It was great we even got out first real taste of Deer meat but Dad said the only way we could watch Bambi while he and Granddaddy was hunting was if we would not cry when he brought back the deer crying you killed Bambi . I told him go shoot Bambi I am hungry lol.
  We ended up moving from Dalton street after some thing in the neighborhood went down. We had a neighbor who was found to have enough explosion to blow the whole neighborhood up then there was a time that Lady and Thor our Alaska Malamutes was poison as where a few other person dogs. It got to be a bad place to live so we moved from North Charleston to West Ashely in to Striation capers. Then Hurricane Hugo came thou the East coast. The worst one in a long time we was told by the Police to leave our home so we went to my Dad parents place which in hindsight was really not a good thing we was surround with tons of trees. When the Hurricane had hit we was stuck for over a week with no power and no way to get out of the place the tree was blocking the road. By the time we was able to leave the Grandparent place and go home. We where all ready and tired and wanted our own beds. But as soon as we got home the Brother and I along with our Neighbor kids decided to do a camp out in the back yard. Of course the parents was in the house with light and we children was around a firepit and was telling stories and what not. One of the few good memories i have of my childhood that i can remember. Those time where like it seam any other childhood most children had but mind wasn't what it seamed on the surface there was the time i went walking in our Neighborhood and was attacked by 20 or so dogs and I am not talking they scared me i am talking the literally chew me up and spit me out i was was covered from head to toe in bite marks and rips of flesh the guy who owned them sorta got them off me by kicking me and them yanked me to my feet and told me to go home if i hadn't been there in the first place i never would of gotten bit but the thing was i was on a public street walking minding my own self on my way to a friends house when the dog came at me from their yard It was Doberman pinscher and a few mix breeds not sure but they attacked me i walked back to my house crying with blood pouring out of me one of my parents riding buddies saw me try to get me to get in his car i refused. In hindsight i think back now and realize i was the poster child for the walking dead and looked like a bloody mess but i was not thinking about getting in with someone i didn't know. I just wanted to get home the next thing i remember was my mother and dad running towards me picking me they and i getting in the truck racing and speeding to the hospital we parked where the ambulances park and the  Major or Captain come out to tell us to park some where else and when my mother got out with me he saw the mess i was in he grab me running for the door caring not of his White uniform to take me in the black the most i remember of the ER was alot of pain alot of stitches and the darn Rabie shot i had to under go to make sure i wasn't infected they hurt so bad i screamed with it one of the 7 shots i got. Finally i got to go home cover in bandages and swollen face and body. My dad decided he was going to confront the man with the dog and when we got there he pulled the gun out started to shoot he was going to kill me the little whore and next he kill my dad my dad backed to the car to get me and my mother out of there got to the house called the Cops and of course by the time they got there the man had taken apart his gun putting it back together but to where it looked like it wouldn't fire and claimed i had provoked the dog luckily the Cops didn't see it that way and arrested the man on the account of possession of a fire arm and a few other thing and all the dogs was taken and put to sleep for fear of their nature of aggression.. as they say time heals all wounds but what they don't tell you is you will always carry a scare and i do both physically and Mentally not the physical has fade to where u cant see them much but the mental has not I am now as much as then afraid of those types of dogs and never will like them i don't care who you are you never get me near one as long as i live
  life went on and so did i by this time i was in 5th grade when my dad sign up for the war Dessert Storm they called it Bush Sr was in office and my dad felt it was his duty to serve and also provide us with a better life . So when he came home from signing up His long hair and beard gone my mother cried and told him he was ugly not really meaning it am sure but was sad cause she knew our lives was about to change and wasnt for sure if it was for the best. Later in life i realize it wasn't for the best but as life has it own rules the choices you make will lead you down a different way then what was once set out for you. So after a few months time and a bit of fooling around on my mother part we packed our life up said good bye to those we knew in SC and left for Virginia more to the point Norfolk Va alost the Capital of the Navy it seamed and Life there was so much different then i had ever realized. We went from a neighborhood where we could do what we want in our yards to our yard all look the same gras had to be no more then 3 inch high no toys allow in the yard cars are to be parked at a certain spot and so on and so on it was like we all had to be good little soldiers for the parent in the services. Something neither my mother nor my brother or i was prepared for. A Lot of fights happen between the parents and the parents and my brother and i. i think the worse of it was for my mother she wasn't prepared for the long months my dad would be gone between 6 to 9 months at a time. Life as we all had known it had changed and i was right at that time it didn't seam for the better only part that was we all had a permanent place to live as long as my dad stayed in the Navy........

Well Folks that the end of this Chapter and  tomorrow or so on will begin the next one  post or blog on that note all I can say if I have not scared you away stay tune and hold fast to your seat for when the next one comes out whether I do it tomorrow or the day after next more Adventure is sure to follow. But word of advise IF you like what you have read so far or would like to know where it ends up? I would if I was you subscribe to this link cause u never know what I may write next .. So I bid you ado for now and I will talk/write or type to you all later Love you all and thanks for supporting me on this ADVENTURER to my past and beyond <3 <3 :O)

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