Monday, July 15, 2013

Green,Pictures or To Be Loved as I love!!!!!

Well It Sunday and I am back Lost of Issue are on my mind but there a point when I feel speaking my mind on them can do more harm to my family then any good so I keep most of them to myself and move on to the one I know at this time is the Safest Which is Going Green and my taken Pictured. On the Going Green subject I have been looking into way to help my family and I cut the Cost of Food and Power Bill and there a few thing I came up with and As soon as I can I am going to get them started one main thing to help cut our food bill will be between Coupons and a Bulk Shopping is a Garden but unfortunately where i live at this time i can not grow one so i am hoping as soon as i can i be able to move to a new place with a four bedrooms and Plenty of land and space i need to grow the garden and also have a outside pet and of course I want the Cows one for milking and one for Eating then Chickens for the eggs and the meat. That will help a lot into cutting it down, Then there the Power bill Well Looking into Solar Panels and Wind Turbines to help cut the cost down. But as we all know I am a Single mother on a Fixed income so it will take me a bit to get this all started praying it won't be too late and as far as Pictured well I came into a Camera I trade for and so far it has brought out my passion for taking pictures lol all this week it seems i have taken pictures almost everyday my children are starting to get like MOM are we done yet lol but I can not help it I wanna be able to get those moment that sometime over time fades from your memories and oh help me when i get around Nature i am shooting pictures of anything I think someone will like But other then that I been writing more on my book these past few weeks hoping to soon get it done waiting on a friend who in the Business of writing to get back with me on what I have so far and she what she say on it Hoping she love it. I never realize how many ways you can go with a book I got like 5 different ways i can run with this and now it trying to find the right one that will Grab the audience attention and keep them coming back for more Honestly I do not know How Stephen King or Even Stephenie Myers did it. I just hope I can be as good as them to where even years later people will be reading them. Here to hoping i can do it and make my family proud of me, I Know I been a Black Sheep of the Family for so long not sure if I can ever do anything right by the family . Heck half the time it seam the Family only notice am here or alive or my children are around is if they need something or want to say what i am doing wrong or I get in their face which I hate doing. It just get so tired of trying to get my Family to love me unconditionally like they do the rest. I can not help it If i feel a Child at a certain age should not have a phone I didn't I work hard for what I have and I feel children should too on the thing they want not what they need and a cell phone is a want not a need. I am sorry if i feel my children should have structor and a Bed time whether not it Summer or School time. An so on and so on I take it back I am NOT SORRY. I believe in old Fashion ways and such on raising a child and Family Values . My children ARE NOT perfect there are time they forget manors and act up but for th most part being a child They listen to what I say they are Happy with the Choice I make for us and when it a time I include them on those Choice too like when we moved back Home to Missouri I ask their thought on it and We as a Family made this choice. Now at this Moment bedtime is my choice when they get older we decided together lol but it still up to me cause I am the Adult . So if my family can not see how Good I become then I guess it on them still will hurt But one can only hope and pray that someday they see the truth in the wash of things
  So I guess I end this cause I don't wanna say something I regret later but I will say this Mothers Love your Child for who they are not what they are Father be a real man and be there for your child Let them know they are loved no matter wether you with their mother or not. Brother and Sister Show your Sibling You love them and have their back you never know when you might truly need them and Most of all Folks Family sometimes is not about Blood It about WHO stood by you when you was down and help picked you back up and Said I love You and TRULY loved you Faults and all  .. And Lastly Never and I mean Never Judge a person by their Past they don't live their no more and Neither Should YOU..
So till next time I Bid you all ADO and farewell may you love one another as you want to be loved yourself .....Angela

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