Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Don't Know

Don't know!!
Don't know what is worse to love someone so unconditionally to point even thou your loyal to them they themselves r not even faithful in their love for you only when they need something from you .....
To be in a crowd of strangers and be invisible or not seen for who ya truly are or in a crowd of so called family and friends and still feel invisible even thou they see ya but choices to ignore you as if ya was the plague.......

Or to feel both of those cause you yourself is one of a kind that kinda march to and dance to a different beat of drum and music .. the so called black sheep of the family while their is so not white themselves ...

This truly is the time the loneliest existence of a person self travels of new discovery and gaining a backbone should or could make a person break down to give in or give up

But to that i say NO WAY! not backing down, wont back up, move forward for in the end it be worth the journey for then not only you have a new you but the realization of truth and faithful loyal friends and love one yes at time it maybe lonely but in the end for true happiness it worth the pain

For the past is a past a lesson learn the present is just that a gift to learn some more and the future is where you shall be when you get there from all your lesson and mistakes..


 — feeling Poetic justice of knowledge in the knowing that sometimes a word from a stranger change a LIFE of someone in despair for the greater GOOD!!

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