Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Am Back finally

well folk it been a while since i was able to get on but i am here now and a lot has happen most important thing is i moved again but to a bigger place and i got a desk top computer so i am able to write which i will be working on my book The Past is the Past .. as i said a lot has happen my faith and trust in some people has been broken and in other it only gotten stronger . I have gotten to where i don't care for what other think of me i have let as i put it my demons out to play that i have tried hard to keep hidden but hell it was what put me back together sorta speak i am finally myself not what other want me to be but what i want to be and if that comes of as being a little mean or bitchy so be it but i am no longer going to hide the real me or be what other want me to be. plain and simple either u like me for me or u don't either way i am who i am and if ur not here to help me as far as being a better me then there the door get out the way so other who like and love me can come in .. But like i said it been crazy here i am still having health issue but am sure we are all in some way or another but i strive each day to try to do my best good or bad. the school year for my children is coming to a end soon in about a month and a half then there be a short break then summer school for them i don't want them sitting around all summer veggie out in front of the TV so between summer school and maybe planning a few trips now that i got a van which is the other big event in my life i got wheels finally after two year of being stranded lol and it big enough for all my kids which is great. the worst news i got is yesterday i had explored surgery and the doctor found some pulps and it possible it Cancer wont know for a few weeks but if it is i fight it with everything i got i beat Cancer twice already what one more time not going to let it get me down or stress beside my stomach one huge Ulcer anyways so i need not to stress myself out and need to change my diet a bit yucky on the diet change but must do what need to be done so i can be here for my children
Well anyways i better run i need to get started on my writing i want to get as much as i can done before i gotta stop get some house work done before the children get home from school hope you all have a great day and remember you are in charge of your life and if someone not helping you to grow then cut them off you be much happier then you think

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