Thursday, April 10, 2014

It Official My son is 18 year old but i couldn't be Happier

Well it Official my oldest Son turn 18 today at 6 :29 pm! It has been a long day of planing baking cleaning and help a family member move but it was worth it. For those of you reading for the first time my boy all 3 of them are special need. My oldest is traumatic brain syndrome and my 11 yr old is blind and my youngest but oldest of the twin is Autistic. No I don't think they are a burden or that i wish i had normal children. Now some time for their sake i wish they was a little more so call normal cause of how cruel children can be but i love them for who they are and i wouldn't trade them for the world they and all my children make my life worth living i wake up each morning grateful for another day with them all. Now don't get me wrong some days are harder then others but over all i cherish each day i have with me.
But any who i am getting off the subject so today was my son 18th birthday it was a small even nothing major just my mother my uncle and his kids and my 4 out of 5 kids here. He wanted a simple BBQ and i knew i could give that to him since i love too BBQ on my grill. So we had Hamburger and Hot dogs Chips and Cake and Ice cream and he loved it all even love his present. Wish i could of done more but it the thought that count as i teach my children
So now the cleaning is done the children are showered and cloths for school are lay out and they are now in bed I am at the computer writing lol and my mother in her room o have the door open in my room to the outside as to help keep it cooled off since it hot and muggy but i am not complaining just now know for sure i need more fans for the downstairs since i have old fashion windows that don't open up i cant put a small AC unit down here but it okay there is perks top being in what most call the Basement all the heat rises to the top floor but i do know we need the landlord to bring back the other AC units for the top floor cause it like walking in to Hades up top so with those plan in place of to do I start thinking of the summertime and getting a screen door for my door and all the BBQ i can do and the make shift Hay-barrel pool i can make lol or going to the creek for the whole day and simple cant wait i know it be after summer school for the children but still now that i am mobile i like to plan some thing for the children and i and my mother to do this Summer instead of just staying at home you know and if you guys have any ideas on what to do leave me a message on her just note i have children that cant walk far or to long and cant be overly price and I live in Missouri the South West conner right by Oklahoma and Arkansas  . thank head of time hope you all have a good evening and remember that some time it take us to slow down and not only smell the roses but really look at them to appreciate the beauty in it and life .. Angela

1 comment:

  1. You are twice blessed you know. First for your children, second because God loved you so much and knew you would be the perfect mother for them. (clarice) Stormy Dormire
