Wednesday, April 9, 2014

it be almost 18 yrs since my oldest was born

  well another day has almost come to a end the children are getting ready for bed shower given and suck and even cloths for tomorrow are set out. but on my mind if the fact almost 18 years ago almost to the date and time my oldest son was born . It amazes me that he almost a grown man even thou we had try and errors we made it he is my little red head fireman lol and always will be my little man and as we embark on his first date with his girlfriend and his first prom and dance a lot of thing go though my mind like his first words and his first crawl and even his first walk all his first and thou it wasn't the same milestone as a normal child it still wonderful to me.
   you see my boys are all special needs not helpless or disabled just different that all what works for a normal child don't work for mind but it okay why cause they are my blessing not a burden i cherish every milestone we go thou all the first,second and so on and so on gut nonetheless the are wonderful milestones in our life. So as more to come of milestones and such i look forward to them all and i know my children will always be my babies no matter how old they get
  So as i close this if you have any children hug them love on them and make sure they not only know right and wrong and that for everything they do there is a reaction but most important is tell them you love them always and will be there for them always life is short and tomorrow not promised at all

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