Saturday, February 25, 2012


Lay here awake
Thoughts of you run thou my head
The slide of your caresses on my skin
The heat of your breath on my neck
Fire of flames where your tongue touches me
Flames of desire lick my very soul
Memory of your body pressed to mine in a lover embraces
Whispers of sweet love words said to one another
Hearts that beat as two becomes one beat
Candles flames flicker thou the late midnight sky
Breezes of Passion float thou the winter night
Soft sigh of delight exited swollen lips of Passion
Wait this Is just a distanced sustainable memory
You are the past I wish had not let gone away but at last
Your forever in my memory
You hold my heart till the end of my heart beat
Love you forever can not compare to what is in my heart
My dream lover till we meet again
And hold me in your warm safe embraces.....

Copy write-2012-ahsws-B-SAW-Company-2012

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