Friday, February 24, 2012

Fallen Angel's

To live to breath
to sign a heavy sign
to be in the place
i have yet to find my way
to be not alone
to not to be afraid
to take the day
to seize the strength
that has left me
to love with out resistant
to give one self to another
to be at last peace with oneself
to be more then the darkest shadows
to be more then an empty shell of humanity
to be what should of been my destiny
but at last it is not so
i am the darkest of shadows
i am a empty shell of humanity
for i bleed because of what i am
my heart no longer beat
i can not compete with you all
i am finished
you have won
are you happy now
u finally killed me
i can not fight no more
all the fight is gone
all that i have taken from me
i am strip clean to the bone of my soul
the depth to which u have destroyed me if beyond repair
gloat for it is you who is the monster not me
at least i was real in my action
not a fake who take
go ahead and gloat it what you what is it not
but hear this and hear it right
i am not the monster that goes bump in the night
i am just the shadow u thought you saw
and now that this fight is done be forewarn
revenge is coming after you
i was an Angel of the night and now that i am fallen
WRATH that which none has ever seen shall be upon your merciless head
your soul shall feel what it is like to be what i have become
i warn you and that all i shall do for you
i close my eyes
i had lived i had breath
with my last dieing breath i sign deep
my heart has stop it beat
i am now one of the fallen angel's deep

 copy write-2-20012-ahsws-B-SAW- company-2-2012

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