Friday, February 24, 2012

Smile hide the pain

sitting here tears are washing down my face
with a deep soul wrenching sigh
I get up and go put my face on
wipe the trail of tears from my face
with a shake of my head I grab the make up
of lies to place upon on my face 
the thought that this is all a LIE
shout thou my head
what else can I do but put it on my face
I make the eyes bright even thou I  know it from crying
but know one else knows
I make a smile appear big and bright thou it is not what in my heart 
I try a laugh out as I look at the mirror
yup this will do ... " HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA"
see no one will suspect a thing 
I hide the pain deep in side my heart
can not let the world see me cry
I must go on as if nothing wrong
I look in the mirror and see a face painted with lies
ram my fist thou the glass
I can not do this
I shout at the broken webbed mirror
I can not lie to myself
I know what i feel and why should i be ashamed of it
but as the blood pools from the cuts that are deep
I watch the blood
It dark just like my soul
It smells sweet that sicking sweet smell of death
I look up in to the mirror i had just smash
Blood splatter all over it and i see a shadow in it 
Turn around i see death he has come for me
Should i be relieved or should i be scared 
I feel like a animal on the verge of running but yet staying to see what will happen
Death look at me
His eye are that of a depth i neverknew could existed
I see myself falling
I hit the ground
Blood that was left has fallen everywhere
I see flame come towards me
Burning me
My skin is melting
Pain beyond anything i have ever know
Lick at my very soul
I scream
The flame in gulfs me from the inside out
I am nothing but ash now
I am still alive but yet i am not
 I see myself as thou someone else eyes
And what i see make me sick
Try to turn away but it as if it has me in a trances
Death had come to my side 
Reaching thou the depths of the ash that is me
Pulls me out as if i was just covered in soot
Grab me by my neck bending it back
With in mere seconds he lips are to my pulsing neck
And thou it as if i am watching thou another set of eye
I feel his sweet hot breath on me
It smelled of hot spice and the thought made me laugh out loud
I feel the flick of his tongue running along my neck where my heart beats
In a flash i feel the stabbing pain as my life is drain from me
As i watch my life flow from me to his lips
I start to cry begging i don't want to die
He laugh a evil laugh
That chilled me to my very soul
Die is that not what you wanted a few minutes ago?
I utter a soft cry i thought it was
He laugh once more and
Said with a sneer in his voice 
But child it is to late! I have claim you as my own!
My shoulder drop I cried as i never cried in my whole life
I beg and I pleaded let it be not to late 
I just wanna go home this is not my place
And the more I pleaded the more he laugh his evil laugh
He scream out at me
It is Finished u are now MINE!
Now come My Child to me!
I lowered my head
Struggled to my feet
I felt the ice run thou my veins
I was cold but yet i was not
In a faint whisper i heard my heart die
The final beat of life had left me
All around me I heard scream of Anguish and shout of Joy 
Seam my soul was lost and gain at the same time
As I step close to him
I saw more then before
His face was that of an angel
His lips was red of fresh drawn blood
His eye they was that of clear ice in the deepest part of Antarctic
That had a pull to them I never felt before
His skin was that of freshly brewed coffee with a dash of creamer add to it
His smell was what got me the most it was intoxicating
It bewitched my very sexual  essence
As much as i did not want to betray my self
My body did it for me
I was drawn to him as a moth to the flame
It seam i would burn up in flames if i could not get closer to him
He was my master now
He control my very soul
Even as this thought run thou the cloudiness of my mind
I couldn't help but wonder why this thought came to be it as has if
Some primal need was at hand and controlling my body
I could no more help what i was doing then a baby that cried when he was hungry
At the thought of hungry hit me i felt the pain of slight in my mouth
My teeth lengthen to a point 
I started to salivate at the look of blood I saw splatter all around 
Licking my lips at the thought of the warm intoxicating feel of blood running
Down my throat 
I swear I could taste it the spicy taste of blood that reminded me of Cinnamon and Coco all in one 
Started I look up what I had thought was Death but knew him to me now the master of my soul
He started to chuckle to himself shaking his head
Child you amuse me so!
Come child I can feel the Thirst is upon you now we must feed before u become uncontrollable!
Excitement shone in his eye of ices
Who are you I asked softly
He laugh softy to himself and said Child you can call me many thing
Master,Sir hell you can even call me your lover or even Death but what I am is what you are now
A Vampire and I am who have taken you from your miserable so called life and saved you 
What the Human call me a Human name that i have grown very fun of and that is
Ingram I repeated the name out loud
For some reason it felt familiar to me as lost thought 
Yes! you know me some part of you remember me! Do not worry Child my
Askasha you will soon remember it all! Now let go before your thirst over take you
 As I moved forward I look around at what now was my home
And left a lost I could not explain but knew I should morn it
I figured I have time to figure it out but now I was hungry and I knew i must feed
For the flame of my thirst was licking at my very depths of what use to be my soul.........

I am not done this started out as a poem and took a life of it own please tell me what you think and if I should continued to finish this thanks you all :) for supporting me in all I do much love to you all 

copy write-2-20012-ahsws-B-SAW- company-2-2012

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