Friday, February 24, 2012

My Soul Mate

ack and forth .. I sit on the porch swing rocking back and forth
         wind blows my hair across my face in gentle waves
past memory cross thou my mind
        Thoughts of you and thought of us
Time we spent together and time in each other arms
       Sweet secret kiss and the nights of long tender ones
Your arms around me safe and warm
      Your heart beat matching mine
Knowing you where mine as I was your
       The laugh we shared
The talking or even not at all just know
        We was there one in a whole
Never to think it would end
         Never to be together
Miles apart heart broken
          A hole is in my heart
Pictures are fading but not the lost
          Pain still remain
Tear are shed
          Missing you grow stronger
And thou I know what has happen
          Has had to happen
And thou I love you soo
        I gave you up so
You could spread your wings and fly
        Live the life you wanted but also needed
I will still carry the torch of our love in my heart and soul
         Thinking of our endless love
And all the time we shared
         For you taught me to love myself
And to love and trust in all again
         Thou your not here I will always
                       Love you
         For you are my half to my whole
My light to my dark
         My ying to my yang
For there is no other
        Who compare to you
So I will sit and wait for you to return to me
        Back and forth
I sit on the porch swing rocking back and forth
          In the moonlight
Breeze blows my hair across my face
        A tear fall from my face for you
   For our love that is gone!

  (copy writes 11-2011-written by AHSWS_BSAW2011-company2011

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