Friday, February 24, 2012

mirror mirror

Mirror mirror on this wall-can u tell me why is world falling apart,
Why the word family like a dirty word,
Mirror mirror on this wall-what is it u see this world coming to,
Answer me plz I need to know why family not there or love unconditionally
Person person in this mirror of me-yes this world falling apart for u see u all have taken god out of ur home,church,schools, and government,
... Family has become something of the past,for now it loveless world we all live in,
Person person in this mirror of me-till u put family back in it rightful place with god as the head and mean to love to all not just a 4 letter word, ur world will end u shall see,
I have answer u what u need to be but till u heed my words family is nothing but people together for no reason with out love there is no reason...
Without out reason no life...
Family can't u see stop ur arrogance way love with all ur might as if it ur last thought.
Stop with ur self righteous way,
For ur no better than I we r all the same I love u all dearly but i will not let u bring me down.
But know this no matter what I still love u even if u don't love me .See More
(copy writes 11-2011-written by AHSWS_BSAW2011-company2011

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