Tuesday, February 28, 2012

peeking thou closed eyes

laying here in bed this morning sounds of the alarms "blaring beep beep". ugh rolled over hit the snooze button peek thou closed eyes and spot what i was dreading to see. yup i see u there demon my purverable monkey in my back. i growl "damn you go away!". as always it just look at me with that look of mockery. my head is pounding like something is trying to rip it way out of my skull. a blinding pain right behind my eye. screaming ring out oh wait a minute that was in my head i was screaming in my head it seam i do that a lot lately. I hear the sounds of the children who i love more then anything moving around in their room getting ready for the day. I am still in bed i roll over to climb out of my huge bed over my many pillows that hides me in the night. my dog start to growl for my demon seam to be to close to him. i wonder why is it my dog can see this demon that follow me but no one else see it. is it cause they are lost in their own world to see what truly going on around them.
  oh well the day has began i must get my butt up and moving i make my pot of coffee thinking to my self ugh same thing everyday same routine day in and out one day . just once i like to go get my craved frozen cappuccino  from star bucks mmm i think to myself as my kids start asking me "Mom can i wear this?" . as i start to reply to them i hear the demon laugh under my breath so the kids didn't hear me "shut up damn you" which make the demon laugh even more. with that i roll my eyes grabbing the right side of my head as the pain blinds me again. i stumble back to my room and telling the kids to "hurry up don't wanna be late now". i reach for my pack of smoke and walk outside to the porch with coffee in hand. i sit down on the swing lighting a smoke taken a deep drag and then exhale the left over smoke my lungs didn't take in. i sigh a "ahhh!" sigh of satisfaction as that first drag hit my system nothing beats that first drag of a cigarette. i hear the demon laugh "you know that going to kill you!" i turn to look at the demon as i take a slip of my hot coffee and reply back "screw u they say everything going to either kill u or give u cancer and i had cancer twice and i am still here. so just shut the hell up!" demon just laugh harder at me seam every time i talk back to anything demon said funnier demon think thing is and more clear you can see the demon.
  Well the bus came and got the kids and i am here left alone well not alone demon here. i roll my eyes at that thought and demon say "yup i am still here you can't get rid of me!". i spun around "don't count on that i will get rid of you and i will have the last laugh!" . just as i had said the demon started rolling on the floor laughing with tear in demons say u crack me up!" i just storm in to the house slamming the door to the sound of demons laughter. thinking well great here another day as i get ready for the day.......

copy write-2012-AHSWS-B-SAW-company-2012

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