Monday, February 27, 2012

the end of end began to began

the end of end began to began

The day has come to a end and the night has began

the children are lay down to rest and I am in my room at not my very best
voice are screaming in my head
sounds of crying in my head
sounds of laughing hysterical run thou my head
sound of screams
sounds sounds sounds running thou my head
what is going on in my head
am I loosing it
am i totally nuts
have i finally snapped
my head is pounding
boom boom boom boom
i just wanna scream
i see the knife on the table top
it gleams in the light
maybe maybe just maybe
i reach my hand stop just short
tear began to fall
i fall to the floor
shaking as the weight of the world weight heavy on my shoulder
i am struggling to breath
rocked with sobbing uncontrolling
sliver of light lines the wall
i began to see the light of a new day
i made thou the night
i gather myself composer
the children will be up for the light get much longer
walk to my room splash water on my face
plant the smile on my face for my children sake
readjust the weight of the world back on my shoulder
sigh to my self try to held my head high
for the night had come to the end the day just began
another one done and another just began

copy write-ahsws-2012-B-SAW-company-201

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