Monday, February 27, 2012

it monday again joy of all joys lol

well it Monday again seems the day fly by to fast and yet at times not fast enough. Sorry i didn't write yesterday my rotti the silly puppy had got his chain wrapped around my knees and knocked me over causing my left knee cap flip over and land in the wrong spot on my leg. Hurt like hell i won't lie i cried like a baby but oh well it over with my left knee swollen but i should be okay i have had that happen before on my knee only it was the right one. Any who i wonder does anyone read this or am i talking to myself sorta speak. well i guess if you guys are reading this then cool if not oh well it not i am doing this for anyone person just doing it for myself.
  Well last night i watch movies after the kids went to bed watch 127 hour and let me say this wow it was weird but very good almost in the line of the Blair Witch project  but way better and all i can say is i don't think i could cut my hand off like he did. but then again you never know what you do if you was in that kinda problem. then i watch Ghost Rider 2 and i have to say that was epic I love the graphic in it and the main person in the movie Johnny Blaze( Nicolas Cage did a wonderful job of acting like a man gone crazy with a cruses lol
  I love watching movies it like a escape from reality expelly romance films kinda like reading a book which i love to read to at this moment between my nook and my own personal own library. Which come to on my nook i own 239 book and hard copy of books and that in it self  is over 300 books. Can't you see how much i love to read. I so wish i had all my books i own hard copy on my nook it would be so cool to have them there too. Now don't get me wrong i still go to the public library to check out book. To hold a book that has most likely have travel to unknown place held  by who know who is exciting. For all you know Lady GAGA held that very same book your holding right now. I mean really think about it plus to hold a book help you stay in touch with reality of life. Cause there use to be a time when you could own a book unless you was rich and or a man. And if you was of a different color or races you was not allowed to have or own a book. To me i think that stupid EVERYONE IS EQUAL and there for should always be able to own or read or have a book. I DO NOT CARE what color you are or where you from or if you have money or not went to college or even school or if your a man or a women or both. To me everyone is EQUAL in my eyes. I am no better then anyone I am just me something am good at and a lot that i am not. I will never claim to be perfect I am far from it. I stumble and fall i just get myself up and do the best i can and i teach my kids the same thing.
  GRRR sometime people who act stupid make me mad but at the same time i just pray they will see the light that what they feel might just be wrong. I can not change the whole world but i can help make it a better place by teaching my kids to not be a bully,or a racist, or ignorant person they are to love all for who that person is on the inside not the outside!! This is where the Christians and I totally disagree I believe you can not help who you fall in love with whether its man and man, women and women, or man and women.. I can not say how or why we have gays but to me they are just the same as I am. Not better or worse then me they are people too and they love and hurt so for all those who say that if your gay your going to hell need to learn to grow up. Ugh i swear people that like to bash other people just plain make me mad but now do not get me wrong I don't like the way people treat other but I will not go out and say bad and hurtful things about them.. and if you feel that I am doing just that NO i am not just saying how i feel. I don't go out and kill or beat someone one up for what they say i just do not agree with them..
  Well enough of that do not wanna be upset.. Well this is going to suck it raining outside and i have to walk or try to walk to the store. YUCKY!! I love the rain but not when it cold and i gotta walk in it lol i have a hard enough time trying to walk with my crutches add water it nearly impossible. May be if i wait a little bit more it will stop just long enough for me to try to get there and back :( who knows lol my kids said i need one of those rascal battery chairs I laugh and ask them are you saying am to old and bless my son he like no mom i just think it would make it easier for you to get around lol.. well at time like today i think he right lol
  oh well i better go i need to grab a shower and get ready for the day .. here to hoping you all if someone or anyone reads this that you all have a good Monday and be thankful Monday only comes around one time a week lol i am out of here and talk to you on the flip side of the pillow :)

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