Friday, February 24, 2012

happy friday .. a little more about me

well this is the second day of this blog and already I have post several of my poems on here and well we just go from there lol
Well I guess I should give a little back ground on who I am
Well I am me that who I am lol.. No really to sum me up in mere words is not easy I am in it self some time a walking contradiction. one min i am up and the next I am down. I love passionately with all my heart even if it mean it get broken and yet even tho I try not. I try to put up a huge front that nothing bother me it does. I cry at the sadness in the world for the hurt of children and mankind. Yet at the same time I can not understand why people are so stupid me even included. But that is me in it self a walking Contradiction so either you love me or hate me. I have come to the point in my life I feel I do not wake up in the morning to please anyone. I do my best for my children and that all I can do. If someone need my help I will do what ever I can to help even if you done me wrong. I believe that you do on to other as you would have them do to you. You know the Golden Rule .
Now do not take me wrong I am not perfect by no means I smoke cigarettes, drink maybe a little to much soda and Slims Jim's are one of my weakness. But other then that I am just me I never claim to be a model type just the girl next door. I love to get my hand dirty whether it is fixing what i can on my car or cooking in the Kitchen. I am a MOM first and forth most they are my whole world and right behind it writing my poems. Even as I sit here writing on here dozen or more ideas are already running thou my brain, stories and poems. Things i gotta do today but yet I am here trying to slow my brain to be able to write to you. So as I said before I am a mom but I am a single Mom. I love being a Mom to my children I got 5 of them two 14 yrs,9 yr old and double twins age 7. So you see my hands are full but would not trade it for the world. I also have a year old rotti puppy he just like a baby to me. I live here in Georgia for the moment and soon as I can I like to move back home to Missouri or Oklahoma. Why do you ask would I like to move back well for One my father side of the family there and Two where I am at now I am without family support. It is just me and my kids so it is very lonely and at time I feel as i will die. Like right now my babies are in school and I am alone in the house T.V one Fresh Princes of Bel-air is on in the background a rerun. The wind is blowing outside gettin ready to storm and I am alone. It drive me crazy at time to be sitting here alone. We as human are a social creature in nature and to be isolated like I am is almost to the point of madness hence where some of my writing comes from but enough of that for now.
Well what else can I say besides I am 33 years old normally have natural red hair but like right now it is a blueish color lol. I have freckles and greenish eyes I am 5'7 and of normal build. I do have sever nerve damage in my back and legs so at time it is hard to walk but I do try to do it anyways for my kids sake.. As you can tell I love to write and read poems E.A. Poe is one of my favorite poets. I also love to draw, paint and work with clay. I can cook just about anything and I can work on my own car to a point (main engine work I leave to the professional not me )and fix thing in my house when I can. I am a Southern girl I believe in saying grace before you eat and saying Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir to show signs of respect for other no matter what color or sex or religion. To me a person is a person and we all deserve respect for who we are and not what we have or where we come from but by the action of our self worth of being a good person, I teach my kids that money does not always solve everything and there at time we are far richer then a rich person for we have something far more important in this world then Gold OR Silver and that is Love for one another. My children know they are no better then anyone nor are they to say they are for they have faults just like everyone else and they are to treat everyone with the same respect and honor and love that they themselves would like to be given towards them. Yes they know it does not always work that way with all people in the return part but I still have encourage them to stick to their guns about how we are to teach one another.
    My boys seam to have it hard for my 9 year old have a rare disease called Glaucoma, his left eye is completely dead and he has little vision in the right but yet he is so happy go luck and think the world is a wonderful place. His heart is so kind he always rooting for the underdog and caring how people feel and if he fine out your sick or in pain he goes out of his way to make you feel better. I can see him being a doctor of some sort. then there is my youngest son but the oldest of the twins he has Autism a rare form where he has Aspergers and Server Autism too but he don't let that get him down he see the world thou the eyes of music lol. To him the world is all about music everything has a note or song and let just say music does sooth the savage beast or in this case a upset child. For us to calm him down I play his favorite song and here where I am dating myself on how old I am lol but we play Mr Roboto By the Styx. So as you see I got my hands full but we are like any normal family we laugh, we cry and we love each other.
   Well I been at this for almost over a hour and my back starting to hurt I will write more later if you have any question or want to know something feel free to ask me of course this is if anyone read this lol well till next time guys remember this ...
   Love hard love always if your heart get broken it not the end of the world. Just pick up the pieces and start all over again. For a world without love is a world without air. You just can not live without it ...And know this thou some of my poems or stories seams dark and have a underling of death and giving up it just words that flow thou me in a depths of even I can not explain. I write to write it help to get out what I am feeling and if what I write helps someone by say Hey that how I feel.. Then it warms my heart......
  So I Bid you all ADO for now and always keep writing you never know who you might help :)

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