Monday, February 27, 2012

I have demons that chase me

i have demons that chase me and no matter what i do they follow me so i take each day as i can some are better then others and days like today it not so grand.. we all have some kinda of demons or the purverable monkey on our backs. some choice not to see or unaware, other see them but choice to not care. then their are those that knows and choice to fight them and then there are those who are like me spend half the time running from such said monkey on the back or demons and the other half fighting them .but in the end it doesn't matter. whether u do not care or didn't know, fought or ran it is all destine before our time to loose in the end. that is why there so much self destruction of oneself and of another cause in reality of it all .we the human are the monkey on the back, the demons of society to earth !we rape and plunder, steal and distort thou out history.since the began of time.. call me mad, call me crazy if you will does not bother me. for maybe i am just a little mad and just a tad bit crazy, but till you walk a mile in my worn out shoes do not judge me (am not talking about u Luna or any of my friends)! for it is bad enough the life i have lived and suffer thou that at time. this is a living hell i walk and when i finally reach the end of this hell of a hwy on life at least i can say i stood up for my convection of who and what i am and not a coward of a human.......................

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