Sunday, March 25, 2012

Will I fit in with my own family or still be a odd ball out

sigh I am sitting here my mind can not seam to be stopping wondering a lot of things like.. when I get home will my kids fit in.. will the family love my kids as much as I do .. Will the family treat them as the family and not a outsider like they have been treated before .. It been almost 12 years since I have been home and around my family .. I never felt as I fit in my family any where. I have always march to my own beat of music and still do to this day and think my children should do the same.. Heck I never fit in High School either while all the kids was wearing Wrangler's or some cowboy/girl shirt and Roper boots. I was wearing holey Jeans with a flannel wrapped around my waist and wearing a wife beater with my fringe suede leather jacket (oh how I miss that jacket it was really old) or Granny dress with the buttons that went the length of the dress and i had only like 4 of them button wearing biker shorts under it .. It like i was from a different planet all together heck when Music class did a remake of the musical Grease while all the other kids was hunting down cloths at a costume store all I had to do was go in my closet! My step dad had a pair of old Navy bell bottom pants that i painted on it then my old Tye dyed shirt and head band and a feather clip with blue John Lenard glass lol and don't forget my suede fringe leather jacket lol ! I look like I stepped out of a time machine lol .. Some time growing I swear I was dropped into my family and that one of the many reason I left home and moved so far away and now that I am going back I am worried not just for me but for my kids on how well we fit back in with my family . I am kinda on different plain level with the way I think and do things Hell I am 33 year old single mom I am cover in tattoos and I got piercing and my hair at this moment is Blueish green but I love my kids with all my heart I do anything for them .. I also believe that is always good to play in the rain with ur kids it does wonders for ur heart and soul as well as strengthen ur relationship with ur kids . I believe that my kids should be able to talk to me about anything even if i am uncomfortable with what they are talking about i do my best to help them or have someone who know more help them. I believe that sometime having a good sit down and cry / scream is good for your heart and mind when thing seam to be too much . Just as I also believe that it is far better to say what you feel so other know what your thinking and feeling then not to say anything and other misunderstood who and what you are about . I am me and that all I am going to be whether I ever be come a famous writer or artist or just being a Mom I am who I am and my children love me for that. as I want them to be them self no matter what that may bring .. And if for some reason me being the odd ball out in my family does not allow my kids the chances to have a larger family then the just me and a few friends who is like family.. I will not cry, I will not get upset! I will keep on being me and love my kids enough for three family. we did good so far this past few years we will be okay for many more .... thou I will admit I want my kids to fit in with my family they are too precious not to be loved they warm my heart each and every day i am sure they do the same to the family :o)

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