Monday, March 19, 2012

it Monday again O.o

Well Monday has rolled around again I got only 6 more Monday left till the big move. I have spent the day making phone call to the doc and still waiting on one to call me back this evening when she done with her appointments. I got the sound on the T.v down low to the show of M.A.S.H a classic in my opinion. The kids are playing in the play room. Homework is done and dinner is finish. the dog are laying in the hallway and I am on here enjoying a soft breeze coming in the windows. I have submitted a new poem for a book. If I get it then that will make two poems published in a book and one on a web site thinking I am doing pretty good. And tomorrow I will try and go thou my closet uugghh am dreading it. It has at least 5 years of stuff stuffed in there Oo lol well I get it done and then it be off to do the rest of my room then the rest of the house so wish me luck guy cause I am soo going to need it my energy level has not been what it should be but i do got a strong will i get it done ... So with that i bid you ado and go spend some time with kids before bed :o)

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