Thursday, March 15, 2012

As we hurt the world never seam to stop .. 3rd part of book on here

Hey folks it me again and as u know I got only 78 more days till the big move but some thing have happen that has dampen my spirit a little you all know how I have talked about Mr.X and how I am still in love with him but we are still friends at this moment. Well this morning as I was relaxing I felt the urge to send Mr. X a text to see how he was doing well it was not good His ex who they still live under the same roof has a medical condition that his making her real sick. Well Mr.X took her to the doc a couple days back to have test run and well they got the result today.. Doc say she has if luck only two year to life cause this medical condition is basically starving her body to death. There is nothing at this moment the doc can do so when Mr X told me this news I was concern and ask him what was they going to do? He replied he was not sure I told him I was praying for her to be heal or if is is not in the cards to be heal that she does not suffer. No one should be made to suffer and that I was there for him if he need to talk. Mr x did not reply back which I could understand that is a lot to take hin when the mother of your child is dieing and there nothing that can be done. So as I lay in bed praying that thing would work out for them two I cam to realized that he need a word of encouragement so this is what I sent him and I meant every word ...
  "I been thinking about what you said about you guys did not know what to do .. I know what u two need to do! And that is to put all the hurt, all the angrier, all past mistakes, all animosity of mistrust all of it BEHIND YOU GUYS! Live in the moment, make each day more special then yesterday! Love one another, be there  for each other and Ur kid. Just be in each other hearts,  take each day you guys have left and make wonderful memory for Ur child so when time does come for %^*(*&^ (name is left out for reason) life to be over and her soul goes to heaven u and ur kid have spent last days in happiness, love ... Yes it will be ruff just don't give up and know friends like me r praying and r here for both of you guys... "

  That is what I sent and no have not heard back from Mr X but at least he know I am here for both of them and for now I will have to put my heart and my love on a selves again and not think about that now and if possible move on thou it will be hard the world does not stop moving .. As much as I like this world to be perfect and everyone is without sickness and are with their true love and soul mate at last his world is so far from prefect it is total ciaos or even to be said it is out of control.. And you wonder why I am always want to read a god book and get lost in a world of make believe for at least in their life is not so crazy as the world we all live in well I guess I get off here I can feel the heat of the day creeping in my house and I am sitting in the back of house so I need to go to the front where it is cooler and try to not over heat lol..
  Well I will be pasting the 3rd chapter of my book in here for you all to read let me know what you think??............

Chapter 3:

I could feel the Moon had risen, next to me Ingram started to stir awake. I knew that in a bit the thirst would over take me if I didn't feed soon and with that thought Ingram woke competently awake. Turn his clear eye of blue toward me and a soft curve of a smile on his sexy lips.
Evening my Akasha I can feel you are hungry no? He asked softly that if it was not for my now newly found hearing I would of not heard it. “Yes My love I am can I go with you to hunt this time? I do not want you to wait on me as if your a servant to me!” I replied. He chuckled amusingly
Me your servant? Oh my dear sweet child I would go to the end of the earth for you! Just so you may have all that you need or every wanted!”
It was my turn to laugh “Oh my love you are to sweet to me for what reason I can not comprehend. “ I softly cooed to him. With that being said I rose from out bed to walk to our bathroom to wash for out night of hunting knowing that if I look that of a Angel of the Night then I could just maybe trap my meal. I shudder at the thought I now refer Men to as my meal. Unlike Ingram I could not make myself kill my prey I could only take what I need to sedated my thirst. Even thou Ingram encourage me to finish him off so I would not so thirsty all the time I just could not bring myself yet to do it. As I was looking in the mirror adjusting my hair that use to be so lifeless that now shone as it was alive and move on it own. My hair use to be that of a copper now was a bright red of a rose that just bloomed. I stood a few more minutes in front of the mirror when I heard Ingram coming to the bathroom door already dress. He had a look I never saw in his eye before. It was that of pride,peace and lust. I turn to look at him and ask “ Ingram why do you look at me like that so?” I whispered to him. Laughing heartily he looked at me “Do you really not see what I see?” He asked me. “No what do you see all I see is a women who has suffered for all her life and was lonely but now I have you.” I said looking at him thou the mirror in front of me. Ingram walk up behind me and put his arms around me taking his left hand making my face look at myself in the mirror and replied “ Look at yourself not with your eyes but thou mine!” As he placed his right hand to where my heart use to beat. “Look at what I see! I see this extroversion of a women who even thou been thou Hell and back has still remain someone who care not only of what other are going thou but what she can do to help ease their suffering. I see a true pure soul that can and will break not only my curse but the curse that is also on the fallen of mankind!” He continued as he stroked the side of my face with the back of his hand. “Your beauty can not compare to not even to Eywa herself or that of Aphrodite's looks. To me nothing can compare to you all other pale compare to what is inside of you. For not only do you have that of true beauty on the outside but what you have in your heart and soul is so much more then the purest diamond or gold!” As he trailed of the vision of what he saw of me nearly knocked me over and had not Ingram been behind me pressed up against me I am surely would have fallen! I saw a women with hair so red it look as if it was alive, touch of highlight seam to hit in the right spot that her hair look like red gold sunset one moment next that of red hot lava. Her skin was that of purest white driven snow not a flaw was in that skin of porcelain. The most shocking was her eyes it was that of a bright emerald green as if a light was shinning thou them. What was more strange those same Emerald green eyes could show compassion and love but there was a hint of the passion of angry if was betrayed or crossed with a way of making a person stop in their track. Then to see the air of confidence that strolled around her as if it was a cloak or second skin, Standing tall with shoulder back that brought forth her heavy laid bosoms to her slim fitting waist to her shapely hips of a women who could hold her ground but was still soft as a women should be. I was so shocked I nearly cried for when I look back from what Ingram saw of me I saw him in the reflection of the mirror you could clearly see the love he had for me shine out of his eye there was no mistake about it he truly loved me. I started to cry softly as Ingram turn me around to face him saying “Now you see why I look at you so? I have never though I could love another so much as I do you! You complete me and make me whole. I can feel as I can live all my day in the dark as long as you are by my side.” I look up from where I had laid my head to stare in his eye that when I first meet him thought was eye of ice but now I see are filled with love. “I will never leave you my love I shall follow you to where ever you may go as long as you wish me to be by your side!” I whispered softly but knew Ingram heard me for his eyes light up and a smile came across his handsome face. With that he lean down to kiss me and place me in a tight grip of a hug that would of crushed a normal person. I started to laugh as at that moment the thirst had hit me and made my stomach rumble which in return cause Ingram to laugh hard which made me laugh harder. “Come my love let go feed so that your thirst may not be come out of control. I know who you do not wish to kill the prey but hear me now never let the thirst become uncontrollable for if it does yo will have no control over yourself and many will die at you hand!” Ingram had warn me. I shudder at the though of me being out of control and hurting a innocents. “Lets go then I am dress for the night and I shall like to get my fill without killing anyone if that is possible may take me a few men but I am game for it!” I had stated to him. Ingram just chuckled and grab my hand and said “Let go my love the night is waiting us and we have lots to do before the sunrise run us inside!” As we walk out in to the twilight of the dark night the moon shown bright as look as if it was a promising night for us to hunt we could hear the sounds of music and laughter in the air. I raised my head to the sky with a deep inhale of the night I could smell the pumping blood that was to feed me tonight as I was sure so could Ingram. I turn to look at Ingram as he look at me, we grinned to each other and ran off in to the night for our meal... 

copyright 2021-ahsws-B-SAW-company-2012 

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