Wednesday, March 7, 2012

it started of with a son marking his spot :O)

well I figured I better write something in cause this so called Solar flare knocks out our internet and what night lol so I figured tomorrow was good as any tho try and the key word is try to start my work out DVD ugh I know I am lazy just do not like pain but I know the saying No Pain No Gain and I like to gain my body back. I noticed I have start loosing inches I got more of that classic 60 Hour Glass figure coming back in which I think is sweet I always love that classic 50's and 60's look of a women body not the way they look now ugh to skinny for my taste I think a women should have some meat on her bones and curves in all the right places . Well I can say this I am between 4 to 6 size from where I wanna be lol No I am not telling you what size I am now you just have to wait till I loose it all then I say what I was to where I am now. What funny is those close to me and know me don't believe me when I tell them what I weight but that do not mean I am telling you. I do not want my weight all over the internet at least not yet! Well enough of that on to other thing. My day really started out weird ... How you may ask well don't say I didn't warn you. It started out with my 9 year old son deiced to pee on his younger sister bedroom door which happen to be right next to the hallway bathroom and when I asked him why the first thing he said was he couldn't make it to the bathroom. I raised my eyebrow and said "Really you wanna try that again and tell me the real reason cause at that spot u was only two steps from the toilet!" So my son then informs me he was trying to draw a house!! Yes folk that right mu son try to draw a house out of pee! Yucky so I try not to get to mad nor do I try to laugh cause really to a stupid point it kinda funny but not really. Well I made he clean it up and told him if he ever did that again I would tan his rear end. So that started my day off with a bang then around 10am I realized I was hungry and went to find something to eat to not find anything to eat cause everything I got food wise is set up to feed the kids dinner during the week and for weekend meals so with a sigh I made garlic butter toasts and drank 24 oz of water to try and fill my stomach up. Word to the wise if your starving water does not make the hunger go away just give you a full feeling belly and make you have to go to the bathroom more lol
  Then later that afternoon a old friend of mine I haven't seen in a while came by to pick up the cloths I had for donation for the people of the tornado victims.. Figured my kids didn't need them and they was still good looking cloths pass them on to someone who need it. Any ways then I sat alone in my house bored out of my mind waited for the kids to come home . When they came home we did home work and of course took my son 2 hours to do his homework then I served my kids their dinner and here I sit still haven't eaten cause now I am not hungry and two I gotta make sure we got enough food to make sure the kids eat .. Do not get me wrong we got food but it at that point of being low cause the stupid system move the date I got Food Stamps from the 6th to the 14th and now it a bigger struggle to make it every month at least on the 6th I could if need get a little food on the 1st when I got paid. Oh well that the way the chips fall lol well I rambled on enough but if for some reason I can post tomorrow due to the Solar Flare I hope you all have a great Thursday and I talk to you all later   

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