Monday, March 12, 2012

Finally there is light at the end of this tunnel

Hey Folks sorry about no post yesterday... It been a long weekend I have made some Life changing decision in my kids and mine life and that is ...... We are moving back home to Missouri .... My best friend from high school is helping me .. She coming up here to help me pack the kids and my stuff and we are heading home as of June 1st and with that said I have so much to do! Gotta go thou all our stuff get ride of by either yard sale or donated the stuff and have all other stuff I need to that I am taking Packed up and ready. Call Lawyer and talk to them and them start looking for Doctor for Shawn eyes and the other doctors too and my own. I am so excited I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lol.. I even looked up the cost of a u- haul and found one that is just the right price and should be enough room for all kids and my stuff.. I am so excited I can't say it enough lol Heck can't even write lol .. For the first time in I don't know when I am clam and happy not stressed out.. my headaches don't even hurt that bad just a dull roar.. I end up having a great Sunday :o) ... The kids are so excited to and even thou when we move we be staying with my friend and her family it just a start.. I already got my cousin look for places for rent that would fit our needs and it in a town I want to live in Neosho,Mo  ... Which has a great school district I should know I went to school there lol. Now on to other stuff which plague me .. My high school sweet heart and dearest best guy friend in the world is back in my life after 14 years of searching for him we found each other.. we are friends and forth most at this time but last night I came to realize why I never have found true love or why none of my relationships is cause I am still in love with my high school sweet heart.. he is my soul mate the other half of a whole and what sucks is he feel the same but he is married and I WILL NEVER COME BETWEEN HIM AND HIS WIFE JUST NOT who I am... So here the question how do u get over ur true love... Please someone help me I wanna be happy in love for a change :/ Well I am going to go for now I got a lot of stuff to do before June .. Hope u all have a Great Monday and remember ....
  "Any man who knows all the answer most likely misunderstood the question.. Or ... Tears are words the heart can't not express..~ BY: WOLFGANG RIEBE ~ "

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