Monday, March 5, 2012

Struggling to keep moving on

Well it Monday and in loo of all thing that has happen the past few days . I am just plain worn out between the death of my great grandma and the news that i have two poems published one on a poetry web site and second in a e-book . the stress of everyday life of a single mom. Do not get me wrong I love being a mom but sometime it is a ruff life thou I would not trade it for the world. Then to having to deal with my mom who at this time we are not getting alone and it sucks but anyways. I am dealing with a messed up rotor cup in my left arm so it in a sling and still have to go and get the kids medication from doctor to get it filled and still try to get my youngest son to the eye glasses place to get his glasses order. Oh course it will depend on if my mother has the time to help me out she coming in from out of town. Do not get me wrong if it seams I am being snotty I am not trust me you know if I was which I am not, but I struggle everyday to get to places I need to go for my children or myself. Hell I haven't been able to get to my doctor but one time and i need to go to again but at last I am not going to be able to!
    Hell I really need to get the kids in for a doctor appointment but I can't get them there thanks to not having a car. But what I do know is one day my ship will come in and the kids and I will be fine. Besides everyone know in life is what you make it and in our house we do our best to make the best out of what we got. Thou we don't have a grand house we do have a roof over our head, we don't have a lot of money but at least the bills are paid. We have cloths on our back and food in our bellies and the most important thing we have that make us rich beyond the values of money is.... (the secret of life) We have love! Yup that it Love spell it L. O. V.  E. it is love and that my friends make a person richer then the richest person. I teach my kids that as long as we have love for each other and be there for each other nothing in life can get us down. Yes folk there are times even me get depressed but I do bounce back sooner or latter and when I do I know the wisdom of what happen to me. Look at the fact that the Kids and I are in a town with out family, no one who we can really trust on daily (I do have a friend that try to do what she can but she does have her own family and life so she real busy). We struggle daily to get small thing done but we get them done some how. I know that as soon as I can move back to Missouri/Oklahoma I have family that waiting there to be there for me to support me and my kids choices and our life.
  Well I guess you can say I am not perfect and it true I am not perfect and nor do I claim to be perfect! I make mistake look at my past it is filled with them but I do my best to learn from them hence why they are called past mistakes. For those who can not let me  be me and forget that I made mistake by bringing them up all the time GET OVER YOURSELF! Your shit stinks just as bad as mine and you are not perfect either. I know for a fact you made mistakes to but I also know that you have learn form them at least I hope you have. Listen life is also about making mistakes learning from them. You live you grow and you fail and you triumph and have joys of success and the down fall at time of failure but that is LIFE.   Well I guess you get my meaning but if not hopefully one day you will well I better go I got work to do on my book I like to try and tap out chapter 3 and 4 before this week ends lol and remember folks life is a ride you go up and down and all around but it a ride and it what you make of it.. keep going you never know where it take you . :0)

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