Tuesday, March 20, 2012

why is it for the most you can not trust people

Hello all today going to be a rant and rave day so I apologize now if you get offended it just I need to do this cause what just happen to be is bugging the Hell out of me and I need to get this out before I try to go clean my closet out for the move......
   How is it that now a day when you truly do something out of the goodness of your heart cause someone was hurting they end up stabbing you in the back!!! I might of told you that a friend of mine I have known for at least 5 years. He can be what called a typical man at time but still I thought he was a good guy just had a bit of a ruff life. Well he came to my house late in the evening on the 8th needing a place to crash he didn't have a place to crash so I said sure why not if I was in the same boat I want someone to show me kindness. Well I had him sleeping in the play room and all thing seam to be okay and we hung out I let him use my prepaid cell phone so he could call his girl that he sent home in another state. Feed him cause I can't eat in front of people who doesn't have anything to eat. Then Monday came around and he was able to get his job back so he worked during the week it seam that thing was okay he was getting himself straight to be able to move back home to his girl. He was even helping me raise up the money to get my divorce finalized and on Friday he gave me 40 buck out of the 200 and told me he has to work the weekend and was staying at his boss house so they could go straight to the job site.. I am like okay i can understand that. He said be be back Sunday when work was done and also with the rest of the money form the stuff he sold for me.. Well Sunday night came and went Monday rolled around still he hasn't been back his suitcase is till here. So Monday night I called his girlfriend and ask if she had heard from him and of course she say she hasn't and was going to find out what she could by calling his cousin and old boss. Well it Tuesday now and thou it morning I still haven't heard from him or his girl now and I am beginning to get pissed off not for the fact he hasn't stayed here but for the fact he said he have the rest of my money by the weekend end. I hate being lied too or taken advantage of .. If he could not sell the rest of the stuff I gave him then he should bring it back to me no big deal. I came up to a conclusion that one of a few thing has happen .. 1) he got thrown in jail for unknown reason ..2 ) He took my stuff and ran or what not and dont care about his suitcase of what I am guessing is cloths .. 3) He still working and cause he has no time on his phone he is not able to call me ...
  I am not sure what to believe I don't wanna be believe the worst things but what am I to do I have been screwed over more time then I can count but yet I don't wanna be like everyone else and not help people cause I know not all people take advantage pf other who are helping them. But what should I do I am upset to the point my stomach hurts and I feel sick and it hard for me to concentrated on going thou my house to get more stuff I need to sell.. So now I don't just have to raise moving/car money I gotta raise 160 more buck to get my divorcee.. Thant need to be filed in less then two weeks so that it hopefully be granted and done. which means I can get my and my kids last name changed and get new social security cards in the right name .. sigh I wish at time I could be cold heart like everyone else then maybe I would not be taken advantage. well I think I am going to lay down to get my stomach calm then I have to get up and start going thou my closet I got a lot of money to make to get what I need .... Hope everyone has a better day then me ..CIAO 

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