Friday, March 23, 2012

Let it rain! Let it rain 43 more days left

Well I woke up this morning after spending most of the night talking to Mr X and yes we are still talking folk we are friends after all. And let put it this way a lot of thing come out in the open for instance the reason Mr X and ex wife still in the same house is to help each other out on bills. Which I can totally understand the economy sucks. So with that knowledge and a few other thing we talk about the past and the thing that has happen to me and thing that happen to him and how I am still in his heart always and care deeply for me. Which make the fact I love him still a lot better and we have decided to take thing slow and be good friends and see where thing go if they go any where other then friends. I am torn between wanting us to be more then just friends and then just happy that Mr X is back in my life. I am a very confused person right now but then again when am I not confused about something lol. Well Mr X and I talk till like 5:30 in the morning and it was nice i can not stress how nice it was lol.
  Well as for as today i woke up after my hour sleep to get the kids up and ready and out the door for school. After thee kids left I sat on my bed rethinking about the thing Mr X and I talk about last night. I got the dogs  out and drank my coffee and fiddle on face book for a bit then I got up and start what I need to do but I am telling you this I am so tempted to burn it all. I really am ugh I am telling you  you never know how much stuff you have till you gotta move or get rid of things. If i don't burn it I am seriously thinking of just putting out on the curb with a sign saying free lol . Other then that thing are okay kids had a good day and no homework. So they are watching T.v and just about getting done eating their Pizza and Milk . Me on the other hand am enjoying a nice salad with very little ranch on it then I have a couple pieces of Pizza .. man gotta love frozen pizza lol make life easier :o)
  As far as the weekend I am going to try to work more on my room and still have family time like we have every weekend. I got a couple of movie for the kids to watch one being a classic Lady and the Tramp lol . Well Pizza timer went off so I better get off here Hope all have a great Friday and even better Weekend till next time Ciao

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