Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another day in the life that is me 10-16-12

Well in the life that is me lol my day has been of well lets just say reflection I finished the last book of Fifty Shades of Grey and i was not disappointed but all i can say it i want my own copy of them all on my nook it is something i see me reading again and again which that in it self does not happen a lot but other then that i talk with a good friend of mine via texts and waited for my babies to get home i even made meat loaf for dinner had mash taters and corn and peas watched a little tv with the kids and well then the Internet went out right before the kids went to bed but it on as u can see lol and while waiting for it to come back on i watched Men in back 3 which was not to bad i enjoyed now I am sitting here lonely and bored but hey that is the way my social life goes lol i have decided to get off my butt tomorrow figuratively speaking and do my earnest to finish the book i am writing well one of the 3 i got going yes i know i am all over the place lol but what can i say i let my writing go where it may and well look at this status if that don't tell u something have no clue what would lol and like a pic i posted I am crazy but at least i have fun with it lol I know some will read this and some will skim thou it and some wont read it at all but well since it seam i have a lot to say figure i put it out there and whether it offends anyone or not that ur problem not mine .. This is my out let i use and if u don't like it then so be it but hey that what free speech is all about right .. any ways what can i say that is about my life ...
Well for one i have been thinking about all the people i know the ones i have meet in real life the ones i have meet here or on face book or any other way of social networking as it will and i realize something i know a lot of freaking people but yet i don't at the same time .. I only have a few and very small group of friends that i call my friends but they are like family to me which means more then having a lot of so called fair weather friends . And yet here i sit typing away at these keys which in a nut shell has been more of a friend to me then most if i lost my laptop right now (knocking on wood) i would like spas out like i was losing my freaking mine .. I get it I a a techno Junkie I love my technology something boarding on the line of obsession but what can i say I think we are all that way with something or another mine just happens to be my smoke,my Dr Pepper(which as of tonight I am out of and no way to get to the store to get more) and My technology..
So yea there it is in a nut shell my vise in this world outside of don't mess with my babies and of course with my money cause that take care of my babies .. what was i getting out I know i ramble off a bit of that which is my social life lol the basics of not having one
I don't know if it me or the world around me but it no longer the age of innocents anymore and has not been for a while which sucks to be honest. Do you hear me we as a people have turn our back on back other for the thrill of the next level of social status I mean come on Take MeetMe which it use to be MyYearBook was a site i went and i will admit i still go to but not often as here cause of a friend of mine was on there and i have been on that site for hmm let me think a few years now and on my list of friends i can bet you that of all the friends on there i talk to maybe a handful and that it self is practically not often . I have guys always and i mean always on there hit me up saying the most cheesiest pick up line i have ever heard and there has been a few creative ones that i never imagine hearing and I am a writer and have a great and creative imagination myself or at least that what i been told lol and it like I am not interested and they get all piss at me and I am like WHAT are u serious please mister go on about ur day!!! I mean serious what the hell and then I hear thing like wow babe your so beautiful and or your so sexy and blah blah blah so tired of hearing thing like that what are they smoking is what i am thinking I know what I see in the mirror and it sure and the heck is not what they are seeing I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but come on!! Do not lie to me i rather have the truth then be lie too .. I just don't get it am I missing something really has it come down to where it better to lie to someone then be honest about yourself or about others??? Sigh deeply here I am feeling yet once again that I am not from this time or even from this planet and no I do not think I am a alien but to be honest my views are just that alien not from this time and space at least not for the 21 century that for sure.
 What happen to mother and father caring for their children and families being family no matter what once family always family . Hell what happen to the sound of children laughing in the street playing till it got dark and then knew to come home to a sit down at the table dinner where the family ate together and talk about their day .  I know where it is in the trash just like everything good that sure to be the world of America . Dont get me wrong I am a single mother but damn it man I make sure my children are happy and feed I listen to them I teach them the values of right and wrong that it is better to do unto other as you want to be done to you . That life is not fair and you do get knocked down but get up dust yourself off and try again and keep trying and if one way does not work we find another way but it will always be the right way and mostly MONEY DOES NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY LOVE DOES !!!!! yes in this day and age having money does make it a little easier to breath knowing the bills are paid and the kids have cloths but damn it I rahter be without then to let my children live on the streets! I would starve before i let my kids go with out food and I know that if i can not or do not have the money I will live with in my meas of support and if that means no soda or smoke or hell even my laptop you can bet your sweet ass i will make sure my bills and my children are taken care of before i spend a dime on something i do not need . Yes i would be a little grouchy but i know it was for the best . I do not go out partying I do not drink but once in a blue moon and it only on a rare or special occasion and my children are tucked in bed asleep and i am in my own home . Why can other mother do that and stop bitching they don't have enough money or this and that If you can work then work unfortunately i can not work I am unable to work tho i wish the hell i could but i can i have medical issue that will not allow me to work hell sometime even walk or stand but i would work if i could just to know that i was taking care of my kids my money i get every month goes to the bills and my children . I can not tell u the last time i bought a pair of shoes oh yes i can almost 4 years ago and the one i got now where old and they where given to and now they are worn out but i don't buy myself any cause i can see that my child need something i get them plus it is hard for me to go and buy myself something but that is me who I am .. I do not expected everyone to be like me cause well to be frank the world couldn't handle a whole planet of me running around lol one is enough or so am told but think more people wake the hell up and see what ur doing to your son and daughter and how they treat people and themselves.. Well i guess i said my peace tonight lol I hope everyone has a great evening i will a bid you all ado this is another day in the life that is me .. sweet dreams world may u all find your true happiness :o)  Bella

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