Friday, May 18, 2012

Some Say

some say i am off my rocker
some say i am to uncontrollable
some say i never mount to nothing
some say i never be good enough
some say i am not a good mom
some can not just let go of my PAST mistakes
some say i am worthless
some say i am nothing
some say, some say, some say, but here what I say to what they say
yes i am off my rocker rather be that way then a stuffy bore
yes i am uncontrollable but at least i know how to be me
yes i will mount to something and even more
Yes I am good enough maybe just a little to good for YOU
hell yes I am a good MOM just ask my children
for those who can not let go of what I have done in the past it your problem not mine I have moved on why don't you!
Yes I am Worth something
and Yes I am more then nothing I am me and I love to be Me so leave me be
for those who think they know me,
think they can control me,
for those who think to put me down and judge me,
think twice before you do so
for those with out sin can only do so and since there is no one with out sin and you have not walk in my path of life do not say what i have choice to do and not do is wrong ..
Mistakes are what make and shape us to be who we are !!
so when the naysayers start to do the whole some say bit remember this of what i have told you and let them bring some one else down cause you wont be around to let them help bring you down........


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