Friday, May 18, 2012

Forgiveness is the key to Happiness of Life

My one of my many sister had said something to me that struck accord in my heart and it went something like this .. It started off on a poem i wrote about what "SOME SAY" and she agreed but raised a point "I agree with this but bad thing is when you still pay for the mistakes years later makes you want to scream and say enough" so this is my reply to her and to the rest who feel the same way and may these words i am about to type to u help you to have a better understanding of life it self and do note i am not perfect nor do i claim to be perfect i am with with Faults just like everyone else i cuss to much, I love to hard or passionately, I get hurt easily and most importantly i make mistake but i do my very best to learn from them all .. so with that said this is my rely to what she said and i truly do hope it help someone today see thing just a little clear then before (ps sorry this is a long status and forgive me for misspelled word Spell check like to not work all the time for me lol )...
....that when girl u stand up and say enough is enough i made the mistake i learn form it and it is now time to move on and just like that move on and learn to forgive other. it not for them but for u it take the power they have over u away and let u have ur own control over ur own self and help the healing process .. trust me i was the world biggest angriest person in the world. i hate all who have hurt me and what i had thought destroy my life and made it to be what it was back then. but i have learn fast and hard that to hang on to that angry and the self pity and the attitude it does not help you in life it only harms you. so when i have learn to say" I FORGIVE YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE TO ME" .. it released the build up of angry, the hurt, the depression, the why is me pity party and i started to heal from the inside out!! they no longer had control over ME or my LIFE .. and just cause u forgive does not mean to forget. but it mean to forgive them and then move on with ur life. for it is ur life that u have allowed to stop moving forward by having hate, angry or mistrust or what ever the reason is. it is u that is standing still they have move on and do not give it a second thought.. why should you!! and if it seam I am preaching then let it be cause what i am telling you is words of wisdom of someone who once had a heart of cold angry and hate is now replaced with love and joy for my life .. and yes i get knocked down but i get right back up and laugh at what ever knocked me down and there are times I am only human after all i to some time fall right back in that pit of disrepair but as soon as i can i find my way right back out and do not look back .. Life has been said many time and many way that.. life is a climb or that life is a ride but the most important thing you need to remember is LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT ! you can enjoy what life bring and make the best out of everything or u can stay unhappy and miserable the rest of your life but for me and my children. we are going to take life as it is and make the best out of it and when we get knocked down. we get up and laugh at what knocked us down for the main lesson I teach my children is Money is not what make you happy it is family and the love you have as a family, and family is not just by blood but by the love you have for one another and with that we are far richer then any other rich person in the world and we will be so as long as we keep our family and love in our heart .. So remember this as i come to the end of my little speech lol life is what you make it. if you can learn to FORGIVE other and move on take it as it flow get knocked down but get up again .you will go far in life as far as you are willing to go .. I am not perfect never claim I am but i do know a little secret to the enjoyment or success of life or mystery of life and it is LOVE, FORGIVENESS,WITH A LITTLE LAUGHTER.. those three thing could end world hungry, bring a end to war or even make the world a better place it up to u to do ur part and embraces life as it is to you all ♥


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