Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Good Morning everyone go find my stories and tell me how it should go, you may be the next character add in to the book.

      Good morning my lovely people out in cyberland it is a cool and rainy day again with flash flood watches going off lieu of these past weekend events of the tremendous amount of rain for which caused severe flooding not only in my town but the surrounding towns as well. Now all I can do is pray and hope that after my flooded basement which is at this moment stay dry. We had 3 to 5 inches of water in the basement which started in my room and was founded as I just came home from working overnight at my job. To say I wasn't happy was an understatement, I spent an almost hour between trying to clean it up, along with taking the pick ax to making the trench deeper to help the water run off and away from my house. Needless to say, after an hour I gave up changed clothes and went to bed to only be woken up 2 hours later to the whole basement flooding. Yay! me not well I know I should not be complaining and Lward knows I m trying not to for I was very luck that it could have been worse. There are those who whole house was under water or swept away. Anyways my heart and prays go out to all that was and still is being affected by this bad event.
      So, now we come to where we are now raining outside and praying to the Lward above and all that is holy upon this green earth we do not flood again. I am having to figure out the last Current Event portfolio for my Geography class and like an idiot, I have waited to the near last minute. Well I always say I work best under pressure (now that song Under Pressure is playing in my head lol) and since it is my long day at school meaning I won't be leaving the campus till after 9 tonight I figured between the last to class when I have the freest time will be spent doing that. I have only a week and 2 days away from the start of finals then it is off of school and hello 40 hour work weeks. All just so I can make sure I have some money saved up for my car payment and the kid's school supplies and some clothes for next school year. I have one child entering into High School and two into Jr High. So. I am sure they will be sprouting up this summer to where none of their clothes now will even begin to fit them my middle son already in men's small clothes and is just about a half to inch taller than me and I am 5'7 so yea see where I am getting at his shoes are that of a men's 12 almost 13 I do not foresee that being expensive (NOT) heck already this school year alone that boy has gone through almost 6 pairs of shoes. His feet need to stop growing lol am just waiting for my youngest son to start his growth spurt cause at this moment he the shortest boy in his class and age group. But then again so was my middle and so was my brother. We all know how my middle son has grown but my brother is 6'1 and weighs like a brick house lol
  Well, I better get off here the storms starting to get worse and I do not need the computer going off cause of the power going out. I am sorry I do not have any new poems or my stories uploaded here lately just trying to get through school with a GPA of 4.0 and I am almost there. Soon I will I am hoping to this summer finish up a few stories I started on here. If you do not know what I am talking about, you need to go through my post and find them, read them and leave a comment on how you think I should go with these I may even add you to them if you comment a good reply. So my lovely cyberland friends stay dry if you are near me and stay safe DO NOT TRY TO cross running water and the rest that is afar you guys be safe too. Hope y'all have a great Wednesday love to you all, Angela