Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why Daddy?

Why Daddy?

She lay in bed alone the kids are gone,
She began to cry wondering why i am alone,
What have She done to feel this alone,
Is she bad person,
Is she such a rotten one,
Is she not wanted,
Is she so recluse to be alone.
She reach over and pick up her phone,
She call her daddy,
He love me she think,
It rang and rang voice mail picks up,
She left a message,
And now she wait,
He come to her rescues,
Days go by,
And she grow worse,
Barely hanging on,
Breathing seam a chore,
Tear have long done stop falling,
A permanent path they have craved down her face,
Her heart is broken,
The pain getting beyond the point of handling,
She reach for the phone to call daddy one last time,
Didn't even ring just went to voice mail,
Drop the phone scream out loud,
All the pain that been hidden inside,
From all the year of trying to get daddy love her,
From the past childhood to present,
The struggles of getting one own daddy to love you for who you are,
A child who grew up without the feeling of daddy love,
Went with men who she thought was the one,
Only to be beaten to a pulp of her life,
Scar have healed but the wound is still deep,
And now she struggle to love and be love,
Try to raise her own child fatherless as she was raised,
Crying her self to sleep night after night,
Wondering why or what she did wrong not have her own daddy love her....
Day went by yet again the phone had died,
The battery is dead,
The in house not sound can be heard,
There a smell of flower and death on the door,
The bright tape says it all,
She died left in a world of pain,
All cause daddy was never there,
To teach her the right and wrong of life and of men,
It came in the night a man she knew had taken what she gave freely of her love and left her for dead,
Her father came to see her a little to late never realize he could of saved her oh so many years ago,
Let alone just a few days ago,
All he can hear in his head is the last word of his daughter .....

Why Daddy? Why Daddy? Do you not love me?


Saturday, September 22, 2012

To Be or Not To Be by Angela Summers

to live
to love
to give of oneself
to be forgotten
to be hurt
to betrayal
to die just a little
to live again
to be knocked down

to cry
to laugh
to feel as you died
to awake yet once again
to feel whole
to feel shattered
to be
or not to be
has been the question of the ages
but the real question as and always be
is it better to love and lost then to not love at all
for i have loved and lost
and not loved at all
neither is the same
both is a shame
i given my heart
my love to you
but atlas you have taken it for granted
you hold it against me like a pawn
can you not let it be and allow me to live
to love as it was meant to be...........
